2024 Ram Sale results
100% clearance - 150 rams sold under Helmsman conditions with Stocklive Auctions
Top price - $4,000
Sale Average - $1,674.66
Sale gross - $251,199
Grade rams sold after the sale

We had our annual Ram sale on Monday the 16th of September. On offer were 150 SRS Poll Merinos with abundant of data to back them up. The boys were looking their best for the day too.
We would like to thank the selling agents McCulloch Agencies and StockLive for their support and efforts not only for today but the lead up and to studstocksales.com for all the photos & videos that made online purchasing that much easier. Expertise from Classimate visual assessment assisting with the online journey too. All this is made possible by Steve Maunder from McCulloch’s and we thank him for everything he does with our team at Karbullah. To all buyers congratulations on your purchases and thank you for in-trusting us.
All feedback is welcome